Today, many people like to use herbs either in the kitchen or to treat minor ailments. But few remember that at one time or another, across all the continents as far back as the Stone Age, people in antiquity have been using all sorts of different species of plants for the very same reasons. In fact, by the Iron Age, the knowledge of how to use herbs for medicine and cooking was intrinsic in the day to day lives of the people. Perhaps it could even be described as a general knowledge amongst all levels of people.


It is difficult to tell whether the Iron Age peoples grouped all the herbs together in formal gardens (like the Romans did) or whether instead those in need made journey’s out into the landscape around them to look for naturally growing herbs each time they need them.

In my opinion, I think though the general population had a general knowledge of what some plants were good for, it would be a smaller section of society who specialized in the subject. These people may have been older women, perhaps midwives who knew exactly where particular medicinal herbs grew and would hold a small stock in the form of ointments, teas, poultices. In turn, the inhabitants of communities would go to them directly in times of need.

Herb Remedy
Apple cider vinegar Acne
Artichoke Lowers Cholesterol
Bilberry Good for eyes & diabetes
Cranberry Bladder Infections
Chamomile Insomnia
Comfrey Stomach Ulcers & intestinal tracts
Dandelion Digestive
Dill and Dill oil Colon health & flatulence
Elderberry A & B influenza
Fennel  Insect bites & food poisoning
Feverfew Migraines
Garlic Antibiotic
Ginger Calms Upset stomach & Nerves
Goldenseal Urinary Tract Infections
Hawthorn High & low Blood pressure & Gallstones
Hibiscus Antibacterial
Honey Antibacterial. Good for dry coughs & small cuts.
Liquorice Good for Cough’s & lungs
Marjoram Chilblains & Sore Throats
Oregano Antibacterial
Parsley Bad breath & purifies blood
Peppermint Settles bowels
Plantain Insect bites, heat rashes & eczema
St. John’s Wort Anti-depressant
Sweet sage Bronchial Spasms
Wormwood Kills parasites & good for digestion